
Policy Academic Governance Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship Policy

Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship Policy


This policy outlines the administrative rules concerning higher degree by research stipend and fee-offset scholarships at 台湾六合彩资料 funded by the Australian Federal Government Research Training Program (RTP).

This policy has been developed in response to the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017, which provide for Commonwealth Scholarships under Part 2-4 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003.


All HDR students undertaking  HDR higher degrees by research with James cook University.


HDR higher degree by research: an Award at Master or Doctoral level located at AQF levels 9 or 10 (of which two thirds will be devoted to research, research training and independent study).

Professional Doctorate any AQF Level 10 Doctorate at 台湾六合彩资料 that is not a Doctor of Philosophy.

RTP Scholarship a form of support awarded to a student in terms of support items which could include the following items:

RTP Allowance a type of RTP Scholarship to assist with ancillary costs incurred by a HDR candidate in undertaking a HDR and may include but are not limited to:

a. for overseas HDR candidates, a standard Overseas Student Health Cover policy approved by the Commonwealth Department of Health and which covers the candidate and their spouse and dependants (if any);

b. HDR thesis printing and academic publication costs.

RTP Fees Offset a type of RTP Scholarship to assist with course fees that would otherwise be payable by a HDR candidate. The value of the RTP Fees Offset for a candidate reflects: (1) the RTP funding awarded to 台湾六合彩资料 on the basis of weighted HDR completions and research income, (2) the in-time load of eligible HDR candidates, and (3) the number of stipend scholarships and allowances awarded and their value. The RTP Fee Offset is a component of the RTP funding as described above, and its purpose is to meet some of the costs of a candidate’s research education.

RTP Stipend a type of RTP Scholarship to assist eligible HDR candidates with general living costs

Domestic Candidate a HDR candidate who is an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen, or an Australian Permanent Resident.

International Candidate a HDR candidate who is not a domestic candidate.


  1. Under the RTP Scholarship framework there are three types of eligible HDR candidate as summarised in the table below:
    1. Domestic candidate without a RTP stipend but with a RTP fee offset. Such candidates must have consumed less than 4 EFTSL.  The eligibility and process for entry into a HDR and hence an RTP fee offset is outlined in the HDR Application Procedure.
    2. Domestic candidate with RTP stipend, RTP fee offset and RTP allowance. The eligibility and process entry into a HDR and hence an RTP fee offset is outlined in the HDR Application Procedure.  The eligibility and process for award of an RTP stipend and access to the RTP allowance, is outlined in the HDR Scholarship Scoring Procedure.
    3. International candidate with RTP stipend, RTP fee offset and RTP allowance.  The eligibility and process entry into a HDR and hence an RTP fee offset is outlined in the HDR Application Procedure.  The eligibility and process for award of an RTP stipend and access to the RTP allowance, is outlined in the HDR Scholarship Scoring Procedure.


    RTP Fee Offset

    RTP Stipend

    RTP Allowance

    a) Domestic




    b) Domestic




    c) International




  2. There is a cap of 10% on the amount of RTP funding that can be used to support international HDR candidates.
  3. Candidates awarded an RTP scholarship may be enrolled in a co-tutelle or joint degree.
  4. The RTP stipend amount will be allocated according to the allowable amounts as defined by the relevant government department.  Stipends for candidates identifying as Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander may be awarded at the maximum rate. Stipends for outstanding candidates or candidates involved in strategic programmes as identified by 台湾六合彩资料 from time to time may be offered at an increased rate within the limits, as recommended by the Research Education Sub-Committee.
  5. Periods of RTP scholarship support will be a minimum/maximum of 3/4 EFTSL for doctorate candidates as specified in the individual scholarship offer and 2 EFTSL for masters candidates.
  6. Existing HDR candidates eligible for RTP scholarships at the time of the implementation of this policy and the registration of the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017 will be allocated to one of the HDR candidate “types” above for a duration dependent on their course commencement date, ensuring at least equivalent support. Their student record will be amended accordingly.
  7. Part-time RTP stipend and/or Fees-Offset scholarships can be awarded to domestic HDR candidates who are enrolled part-time and who have a medical condition or carer-responsibilities that preclude them from full-time candidature, or in circumstances approved by the Dean, Graduate Research on a case by case basis. The value of such scholarships will be half the corresponding full-time rate. The Australian Taxation Office considers part-time stipend scholarships to be taxable income.
  8. The provision of supervision and minimum resources for candidates awarded an RTP scholarship are outlined in the HDR Supervision Procedure and HDR Minimum Resources Procedure respectively.
  9. RTP scholarship awardees must adhere to the HDR Requirements, the HDR Student Charter, and the 台湾六合彩资料 Student Code of Conduct and all Policies and Procedures relating to HDR candidates at 台湾六合彩资料.
  10. Candidates can undertake paid leave on an RTP Stipend Scholarship in accordance with the Postgraduate Research Scholarship Conditions.
  11. Unpaid leave or the suspension of a stipend, otherwise known as a Leave of Absence can be taken as per the HDR Variation and Extension of Candidature Procedure.
  12. RTP Stipend Scholarship holders are permitted to work an average of no more than 8 hours employment a week over the whole calendar year, as per the Postgraduate Research Scholarship Conditions.
  13. RTP Scholarship holders wishing to make changes to their enrolment must do so as per the HDR Variation and Extension of Candidature Procedure.
  14. RTP Scholarship Termination is as per the Postgraduate Research Scholarship Conditions.
  15. Grievance and review for RTP Scholarship holders is as per the 台湾六合彩资料 Student Complaint Management Policy, the HDR Under Review Procedure, or via the Queensland Ombudsman.
  16. An approved industry internship may take place during the RTP offset scholarship period, which may be extended for the period of candidature if that period is less than the limits listed above. The availability of a stipend scholarship during a period of internship will be determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the availability of stipend support.
  17. If an HDR candidate submits their thesis during the RTP offset scholarship period, they may continue to receive the scholarship on terms specified by a formal agreement with the Dean, Graduate Research to undertake an approved activity relevant to their candidature such as an industry internship or the preparation of publications from their thesis.
  18. RTP Stipend and/or Offset Scholarship holders must ensure that the Commonwealth’s contribution is acknowledged as per the Postgraduate Research Scholarship Conditions.  The acknowledgement must include the mention of the candidate’s support through an “Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship”.

Related policy instruments

HDR Requirements

台湾六合彩资料 Student Code of Conduct

台湾六合彩资料 Student Complaint Management Policy

HDR Application Procedure

HDR Scholarship Scoring Procedure

HDR Supervision Procedure

HDR Minimum Resources Procedure

HDR Variation and Extension of Candidature Procedure

Postgraduate Research Scholarship Conditions

HDR Under Review Procedure


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domain Research Education
Policy Custodian Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Approved by

Implementation date



22-1 15/08/2022 Academic Board 19/09/2022 Major review, no amendments Manager, Graduate Research School
20-1 30/04/2020   08/05/2020 Minor amendment approved by Provost to remove reference to HDR Upgrade Procedure which is now disestablished. (HDR Upgrades now disallowed) Supervisor, Academic Services
18-2    30/04/2018 Changes made to reflect headline structure 30/4/2018. Quality, Standards and Policy
18-1 23/02/2018   26/02/2018 Amendment to scholarship offering Manager, Graduate Research Operations





Amendments to increase flexibility of scholarship offering.

Dean, Graduate Research School





Interim status removed, minor amendments.

Manager, Graduate Research Operations





Policy established as an INTERIM policy – to be reviewed before 22/06/2017

Graduate Research School


Research Training

Contact person Manager, Graduate Research School