
Policy Academic Governance Appendix 2 Student Academic Misconduct penalties

Appendix 2 Student Academic Misconduct penalties

The table below provides examples of academic misconduct, the nature of misconduct and indicative penalties. Authorised delegates should use these tables as a guide in determining penalties for academic misconduct, and refer to the following policies:

  • Copyright
  • Privacy
  • Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research




Level 1 Minor

Level 2 Moderate

Level 3 Serious

Plagiarism, including:

  • self-plagiarism
  • resubmitting previously assessed work
  • cheating - copying from others

Na茂ve/ first offence


Lack of understanding

Casual glance

Passing of notes

Poor paraphrasing

Deliberate with wilful intent


Significant volume

In the final stages of course

Second/multiple offence

  • Warning letter to student
  • Refer student to learning   development
  • Resubmit assessment item or sup exam
  • Provide additional material
  • Impose % mark penalty
  • Submission of alternative   assessment item
  • Pass grade only
  • Determine if the academic   misconduct is to be recorded on the   academic transcript
  • Additional assessment   item   such as an essay on plagiarism
  • Hurdle requirements for assessment (e.g. safe assignment reports,   greater supervisor scrutiny)
  • Removal and no marking of plagiarised material from assessment item
  • No marks for an assessment task
  • Fail grade for the subject
  • Suspension from the subject
  • Withholding of results until additional assessment items are completed
  • Hurdle requirements as deemed necessary
  • Academic misconduct recorded on academic transcript
  • Removal and no marking of plagiarised material from assessment item
  • Fail subject
  • Suspension from the subject
  • Expulsion from the course
  • Expulsion from the University
  • Withholding of results for a defined period
  • Serious academic misconduct recorded on academic transcript
  • Rescission of award by the University Council
  • Notify professional or legal authorities

Falsification or fabrication of data, including:

  • altering or falsification of official documents such as medical certificates or other supporting documentation
  • fraud

Creation of spurious data

Modifying test results

Misrepresentation of data

Status of the document, e.g. legal documents

Sabotage/damage to academic or research material



Deliberate with wilful intent

Accessing restricted assessment related material

Obtained unintentionally

Obtained from third-party

Wilful breach of security

Cheating - unauthorised materials

(cell phone, programmable calculator, smartwatch, study notes, inappropriate reference material such as statutes or formulas etc)

Accidental (e.g. cell phone turned off)

Lack of understanding


Deliberate assessment related


Academic fraud- impersonation, false representation

Tampering with ID

Commissioning an impersonator

Academic collusion on individual assessment tasks or in examinations

Use of Artificial intelligence software without acknowledgement or not approved for use.


Sharing material

Deliberate with wilful intent

Purchasing, on-selling, commissioning or exchanging assessment items

Significance of the assessment item

Non-compliance of ethics approval/ requirements

Inadvertent misunderstanding

Deliberate with wilful intent

Level of contribution to the research

Improper use of University equipment or facilities


Deliberate with wilful intent

Failure to comply with penalties imposed

Significance of non-compliance